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Message: “The Eyewitness Account” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - April 5, 2020

SERVICE - Laying Down Our Lives

1 John 3:11-24


Family resemblance isn’t merely physical, it’s also spiritual. Those who have been born of God (3:9) should resemble their Father and what He’s like. So, to help us know where we stand with God, John provides three tests: the obedience test, the truth test, and the love test. His tests don’t show how to earn our way to God, they show if we’ve been changed by God, if we are His child. Here in 3:11-24, John focuses on the love test for a second time: do we love our brothers and sister in Christ? To help us answer that question, John shows us the nature of Christian love – first by showing us what it isn’t (with Cain), second by showing us what it is (with Jesus).

Sermon Outline

I. Rejoice in the goodness of others (3:11-15)
II. Give to meet the needs of others (3:16-18)
III. Silence doubts with God’s greatness (3:19-24)

Scripture References: 1 John 3:11-24

From Series: "That Our Joy May Be Complete"

1 John

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