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Message: “The Love of the Father” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - March 8, 2020

The Love of the Father

The Love of the Father

1 John 2:12-17


Do not love the world or the things in the world. To some this may sound strange/foreign; to others they fear what it may lead to; to some, it sounds needed. Why does God give us this command? Because in each of us, there is an abiding inclination to love the world! We need God’s help to identify and pull up by the roots (however painful) the weeds that represent a love for that which is opposed to and in rebellion against God. How then can we resist the enticing call of this fallen world? May God use His word to that end in our lives.

Sermon Outline

I. Remember who you are in Christ (2:12-14)
II. Do not love the world (2:15-17)

Scripture References: 1 John 2:12-17

From Series: "That Our Joy May Be Complete"

1 John

Sermon Discussion Guide - 1 John 2.12-17

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