Zach Schlegel - December 20, 2020
SERVICE - To Serve
Scripture References: Mark 10:35-45
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseMark 10:35-45
The pursuit of value and significance looks different from one person to the next, but everyone wants their life to count. We want to be respected, appreciated, needed, or liked by others. The value system of the world determines value through performance, competition, and comparison. Do you feel trapped by the “rat race”? Is there a different way to live and is it even possible to live a different way? How can we break free from the way the world operates to find peace, rest, and freedom? Jesus came to serve. He shows us a better way, the life of servitude. A life of counting others more significant than ourselves.
Sermon Outline
I. Count the cost (10:35-41)
II. Follow Jesus’ path to greatness (10:42-45)
Scripture References: Mark 10:35-45
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