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Message: “Walking In The Light” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - February 23, 2020

Walking In The Light

That Our Joy May Be Complete

1 John 1:5-2:2


God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. Because His actions are consistent with His character, we can live with the confidence and assurance that everything God does and says is good, right and just – even when we struggle to understand or believe that truth. That God is light also exposes the darkness. Look at the response of those who saw a glimpse of God’s light: the prophet in Isaiah 6:1-8, Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:7-8, Moses in Exodus 3:5-6, Peter before Jesus in Luke 5:8. When sinful humanity (that’s all of us) sees a glimpse of God’s holiness, knees are left shaking, hearts are racing, fear sets in and we look for someplace to hide. How are we to respond to the God who is light knowing we have sin and darkness in our life?

Sermon Outline

Wrong ways we may deal with sin knowing God is light (1:5), we…
I. Downplay our sin (1:6-7)
II. Deceive ourselves (1:8-9)
III. Deny our sin (1:10-2:2)

Scripture References: 1 John 2:1-2, 1 John 1:5-10

From Series: "That Our Joy May Be Complete"

1 John

Sermon Discussion Guide - 1 John 1.5-2.2

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