Zach Schlegel - September 29, 2019
Work in a Fallen World

Scripture References: Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
From Series: "The End of the Matter"
Sermon Series on Book of Ecclesiastes
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseEcclesiastes 4:1-16
What’s the point? What makes life worth living? What brings peace to the restless heart? So far in Ecclesiastes, the Preacher has experimented with pleasure and squeezed out everything it has to offer under the sun (Ecclesiastes 2). Then preacher then experimented with wisdom, learning everything he could, recognizing the seasons and living accordingly (Ecclesiastes 2-3). Both pleasure and wisdom brought the same conclusion: it does not produce ultimate gain or remove the vanity of life. It’s still ungraspable, (like a puff of smoke) both with our mind and our muscle. Trying to control this world to produce gain is a chasing after wind. But what if we could have people do what we want? We can’t control the world, but is controlling others the answer? In Ecclesiastes 4, the preacher shows us what happens when we put the spotlight on self, rather than God
Sermon Outline
I. Selfishness leads to ruin (4:1-6)
II. Selflessness leads to joy (4:7-16)
Scripture References: Ecclesiastes 4:1-16
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Sermon Series on Book of Ecclesiastes
Zach Schlegel
1 Samuel 19:1-24, 1 Samuel 18:1-30