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Message: “SERVICE – Worship in Spirit and in Truth” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - April 11, 2021

SERVICE - Bearing Witness

John 5:31-47


After Jesus healed the invalid on the Sabbath and made claims that made Him equal with God (Jn. 5:18) the religious leaders charged Him with blasphemy. Alongside Jesus’ bold claims, Jesus offers compelling testimony that supports His claims. Why then do many still not believe?

Sermon Outline

I. Three witnesses that testify to Jesus’ identity (5:31-43)
a. John the Baptist
b. Jesus’ works
c. The Scriptures
II. Seeking glory from others: the cause of unbelief (5:44-47)

Scripture References: John 5:31-47

From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"

That You Might Believe -Gospel of John

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