Zach Schlegel - March 28, 2021
SERVICE - Worship in Spirit and in Truth
Scripture References: John 4:1-54
From Series: "That You Might Believe - Gospel of John"
That You Might Believe -Gospel of John
Church of Upper Marlboro
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CloseJohn 4:1-54
Johns’ gospel has made it clear that Jesus is the Christ and the son of God (see Jn. 20:31). However, so far, we are left to ask the question: whom is Jesus the Christ for? Who belongs to His kingdom?
Sermon Outline
I. A Samaritan town that’s transformed. (4:1-42)
II. A Jewish town that’s stagnant. (4:43-54)
Scripture References: John 4:1-54
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That You Might Believe -Gospel of John
Zach Schlegel
1 Samuel 19:1-24, 1 Samuel 18:1-30