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Message: “SERVICE – A Covenant Promise” from Zach Schlegel

Zach Schlegel - May 1, 2022

SERVICE - A Covenant Promise

Genesis 9:1-17


God relates to His people by covenants. You see it through scripture. We, as humans, don’t always live up to the promises that we make that shape our communities and relationships. We have the wounds to prove that. It can be painful. But praise be to God that when He makes a covenant, He keeps His word. He is faithful. He keeps His promises to the end - 100% of the time. God’s love is an unfailing covenant love that we can count on.

When sin entered the picture in Genesis 3, things became very, very dark very quickly. The world became so corrupt that it began to unravel. In God’s mercy, He provided a safety net for the world by making a covenant with Noah. In preserving the world in His covenant with Noah, God is building a stage upon which He will carry out His plan of redemption for a fallen world.

Sermon Outline

1. God’s provision for a fallen world Vs. 1-7
2. God’s promise for a fallen world Vs. 8-17

Scripture References: Genesis 9:1-17

From Series: "From Creation to New Creation - Genesis"

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